Senator Nelson votes for emergency disaster relief funding

On Thursday, the Minnesota Senate unanimously passed a $30 million appropriation for the state’s Disaster Assistance Contingency Account. It was the first bill passed by the Minnesota Senate during the 2020 session.

The Disaster Assistance Contingency Account is used to provide fast assistance to help local communities recover from tornados, spring flooding, severe storms or other natural disasters. The governor does not need to call a special legislative session to approve the funding. 

“Experts are suggesting that parts of southeastern Minnesota could experience significant flooding this spring,” said Sen. Carla Nelson (R-Rochester). “We can’t stop those floods or any other potential natural disaster from occurring, but we can be prepared to help communities clean up as fast as possible. That’s what this bill is about: telling Minnesotans that we are prepared and ready to provide fast assistance if a natural disaster occurs.”

Since 2014, the Disaster Assistance Contingency Account has been used 40 times to help local communities following natural disasters. Worse-than-expected flooding in the spring of 2019 left the account with a $3 million deficiency. The Senate’s disaster relief bill wipes out that deficiency and replenishes the account in preparation for possible future disasters.