Sen. Pratt, Senate GOP Announce Session Priorities to Get Minnesota on the Right Track

Yesterday Senate Republicans held a press conference announcing session priorities that will get Minnesota back on the Right Track. The focus this session will be on affording everyday life, reducing crime, and empowering parents. 

“Senate Republicans are focused on addressing the issues that Minnesotans care most about: over-taxation, rising inflation, a dramatic increase in crime, and empowering parents by allowing them to be active partners in their child’s education,” said Senator Eric Pratt (R-Prior Lake). “For far too long our state has fallen victim to flawed priorities and over-spending, both of which have adversely affected the quality of life. This year, we’ll provide tax relief to combat rising inflation, we will empower parents by once giving them a say in their child’s education, and we will focus on reducing crime by increasing Minnesota’s police presence while providing resources to law enforcement. Through our efforts, we will get Minnesota back on the Right Track.”

The state currently has a projected $7.7 billion surplus that will be one of the most discussed items in St. Paul. Following stubborn and record inflation from runaway congressional spending, the Senate Republicans plan to present a series of tax cuts targeted to working Minnesotans, families, and seniors to help them afford their everyday life. Republicans have already passed billions in tax cuts in the last five years, stopped Walz’s massive tax increases, and passed the first income rate tax cuts in 20 years. Providing meaningful tax relief will be this year’s goal. 

An uptick in crime has dominated headlines across the state, many of the crimes being attributed to progressive policies that focus on reducing or eliminating bail, which leads to criminals being released. Senate Republicans will work towards closing the loopholes that allow these releases to happen and will hold judges and prosecutors accountable.

Covid-related school closures have led to a massive learning loss that has presented numerous challenges to students and parents. This year, Senate Republicans will keep education policies simple to get schools back to the basics: improving reading and math scores and helping students recover from Covid learning loss. This will be accomplished by increasing transparency and accountability in schools, and empowering parents to be active partners in their child’s education.

Senate Republicans have had control of the Senate since 2017 and consistently stopped harmful tax increases on working and low-income Minnesotans. They stabilized the health care market in 2017 with the very successful reinsurance program and passed record funding for students in schools. Senate Republicans also continue to reduce burdensome regulations on Main Street businesses and support economic development across the state.