Mark Johnson

Demuth and Johnson respond to Democrat blame game

ST. PAUL – Senate Minority Leader Mark Johnson and House Minority Leader Lisa Demuth released the following statement responding to Democrats press conference suggesting that Republicans are slowing down the legislative process:  “Democrats laid out…

Democrats’ Education Bill Fails Minnesota Students

On Wednesday, May 17, Senate Democrats forced through a controversial Education omnibus bill that ignores the needs of students. The mandate-heavy bill not only fails to put students first, but neglects to provide meaningful support for…

Lieske: Breaking our promise to disabled first responders

Friends and neighbors, When firefighters and police officers are injured during the course of their work and can no longer perform their job, they become eligible for something called a duty disability benefit. This benefit…

Another One-Size-Fits-All Mandate on Minnesota Business

Minnesota Democrats have once again put forward another disappointing mandate that will drive up the cost of doing business in our state, this time in the form of paid family and medical leave. This idea…

Get Out of Jail Free Bill

Senate Democrats recently forced through an extreme public safety bill that fails to legitimately address public safety concerns in Minnesota. That bill went to conference committee where it was discussed between 10 Democrats and 0…