Demuth and Johnson respond to Democrat blame game

ST. PAUL – Senate Minority Leader Mark Johnson and House Minority Leader Lisa Demuth released the following statement responding to Democrats press conference suggesting that Republicans are slowing down the legislative process: 

“Democrats laid out an ambitious agenda in January and assured voters they would not only finish on time, but that they would try to finish early. It is up to the Majority to manage the clock and give themselves and the Minority enough time to allow thorough debate on billions of dollars of tax increases and major policy changes that impact the lives of all Minnesotans.   

“Like the public, Republicans have been shut out of most conversations. The public expects the elected leaders to fully consider the impact of legislation and to work across the aisle to do what’s best for Minnesotans. That unfortunately has not happened this session. The Democrat agenda is fundamentally transforming many key areas of our state, and they shouldn’t ram the votes through in the dark of night while shutting down any questions. Minnesotans deserve better than a partisan agenda that leaves their wallets empty, their communities less safe, and their kids’ schools without the resources they need in the classroom.”  

As of this release, Conference Committee Reports had not been adopted for Taxes, Transportation, or the Health & Human Services Committee.