Howe statement on “Unconscionable” treatment of Guard Members and their removal from Labor Center—calls for resignation of union leaders

On Wednesday more than 50 members of the Minnesota National Guard were kicked out of the St. Paul Labor Center. Guard members were stationed at the location in response to the current civil unrest throughout the metro area, and activists cheered and chastised guard members as they were removed from the building.

Senator Jeff Howe (R-Rockville) today released the following statement in response to the removal of Minnesota National Guard Members from the St. Paul Labor Center:

“It is not enough to say that I am disgusted and appalled by the treatment of our guard members. 

The brave men and women in the guard are folks who are volunteering to step up in the line of duty, and they were called to do a job that potentially puts them in harm’s way. Instead of receiving support from their fellow Minnesotans and union members, they were harassed and treated in a disgusting manner. It is absolutely unconscionable that union leaders allowed this treatment to happen. If for some reason the presence of the guard members was a problem, the union leaders could have respectfully requested that the guards relocate themselves, instead of acting in such a disgraceful way. These are our friends, family members, neighbors, and coworkers who are taking time out of their lives to protect us. All to be disrespected for doing the job they were assigned to. Appalling. 

I’m calling today for the resignation of the union leaders that felt it was appropriate to expel guard members from the Labor Center they were stationed at. If you’re a member of any of the unions involved, you should stand loud, proud, and tall in joining me in this motion. These leaders must be held accountable for their vile actions.”

Unions involved include the Minnesota Nurses Association, the Communications Workers of America Minneapolis Local 7250, St. Paul Federation of Educators Local 28, and the AFL-CIO’s St. Paul Regional Labor Federation.