Senator Rich Draheim statement on the Annual March for Life

On Friday, thousands of Minnesotans gathered virtually to support the annual March for Life. On January 22, 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton decisions legalized abortion on demand nationwide. Each year, pro-life Minnesotans mark the anniversary by gathering at the Capitol in St. Paul.

Senator Rich Draheim (R-Madison Lake) issued the following statement:

“Today, thousands of Minnesotans gathered online to remember and reflect on the millions of children lost to abortion in this state and across our nation. It was an opportunity to think about the value of human dignity, and the importance of individual life, even though it may be tiny, powerless, and unwanted. Regardless of your position, pro-life or pro-choice, it should be our collective goal to protect life and avoid situations where this tragic choice is made.”