Senator Lucero, Minnesota Senate approve $100 million in tax relief

The Minnesota Senate on Wednesday unanimously voted to approve a tax bill that will provide more than $100 million in tax relief for Minnesotans. Senate Republicans approved this tax conformity last year.

“I’m a strong supporter of tax relief to keep more money in the pockets of hard-working families and businesses, and out of the coffers of government. The tax conformity bill is certainly a victory for Minnesotans, but is only a first step,” said Sen. Eric Lucero (R-St. Michael). “The state is sitting on a $17 billion projected tax surplus and deep, permanent tax cuts are needed to help Minnesotans afford gas, groceries, and other basics of life.”

Senate Republicans offered two amendments that were rejected by the Senate Democrat majority on party-line votes: Fully eliminating the state’s tax on Social Security and complete elimination of the first-tier income tax bracket.