Senator Limmer to begin work to repeal government safety net for failed politicians

Former Hennepin County Sheriff Dave Hutchinson utilized the law to be re-hired at Metro Transit this week.

ST. PAUL, MN –  Today, Senator Warren Limmer (R- Maple Grove) announced he is examining how to repeal the state law that allows failed and retired politicians to immediately be reinstated to their previous public roles when they leave elected office.

“Government jobs should not be a safety net for failed politicians,” Limmer said. “If you leave a job in the private sector, it’s not held for you indefinitely. It’s a disservice to the state and taxpayers to give public employees this kind of job security, while private employees have no such guarantee.” 

The law that allows this safety net was highlighted yesterday when media reports confirmed former Hennepin County Sheriff Dave Hutchinson was re-hired to his previous role as a Metro Transit Office with a notable pay raise. Hutchinson took an indefinite leave as Sheriff after crashing a county vehicle while drunk driving in 2021. He did not run for reelection. Last month, he was censured by the county for creating an unsafe and hostile work environment as Sheriff. 

The bill will be introduced later this session. “I want to be sure that members of the military or national guard, as well as the rights from a collective bargaining agreement are not violated with this change,” Limmer said. “I’m seeking bipartisan support for this bill and I will leave at least one opening for a Democrat to sign on and ensure this bill gets through this session,” he concluded.