Senator Kiffmeyer Takes Oath of Office as the 2021-2022 Legislative Session Begins

Friends and neighbors,

The opening day of the 2021 Legislative Session looked very different this year compared to my previous years representing District 30. I am grateful as ever to take the oath of office and have the honor to continue my work for my district.

I was honored to have been asked to serve as the Clerk Pro Tem for opening day. This position was more complex than usual due to COVID, which required the usual precautions while ensuring the constitutional legal provisions were covered with a respectful process. I am happy to report that all went well, and we are set to officially start the new session.

The next steps will be navigating issues we are currently facing with the COVID-19 pandemic and our state’s budget. Through this, I will work hard to keep Minnesota strong.

I am always accessible to my constituents, though the methods and locations may be a bit different. I am completely committed to working hard for my district and truly enjoy hearing from you about your legislative concerns, ideas, and especially meeting you in person. I am here to represent you so please call, email, or set up a meeting either at the capitol, locally, or through Zoom.

I am in Saint Paul to stand up for our values and our way of life. I look forward to another session getting things done for you, the people of District 30.
