Senator Kiffmeyer statement on Gov. Walz’s latest business restrictions

Friends and neighbors,

Today Gov. Tim Walz announced a new round of restrictions on Minnesota businesses. Part of his announcement included a phased-in opening of schools for elementary students only, as well as slightly relaxed restrictions on gyms and restaurants. 

I wanted to briefly share a few thoughts: 

First, the governor is moving far too slowly on schools. The data and the science as it pertains to young learners is overwhelming: students need to be back in classrooms right away, and every day they spend in distance learning sets them back further. A phased-in reopening is not the answer.

Second, these constantly-changing rules are too complicated, and without data to show us the logic behind their reasoning, it’s no surprise that Minnesotans are skeptical that the governor’s approach is grounded in science.

Third, it is a mistake to continue to enforce these punishing rules on all bars and restaurants when they have been tied to very few cases, and when only a handful have had issues. We should take a smarter approach, and let those businesses who have not had outbreaks or issues lead the way on how we can broadly reopen safely.

We’re no longer in the opening days and weeks of the pandemic. We know what we are dealing with, and we know how to be safe. Blanket rules are not the right approach; we can develop a plan of Focused Protection that emphasizes keeping safe our most vulnerable residents, as well as allowing businesses to operate as normal as long as they are following health protocols and keeping their employees and customers safe. 

But until the governor is willing to work with the legislature and listen to differing advice, the governor’s approach will continue to lack effectiveness and creativity.

If you have any questions about the governor’s latest announcement, please feel free to contact me any time at

