Senator Bruce Anderson’s News from the Capitol – Jan. 27, 2023

Friends and neighbors,

It’s been a hectic week at the Capitol, with significant pieces of legislation moving through committees. And a noteworthy proposal, the Democrats’ carbon-free mandate, passed out of the Senate Energy, Utilities, Environment and Climate Committee.

This legislation would mandate all of Minnesota’s electricity be from carbon-free sources by 2040. This is particularly concerning, as it would shut our state off from natural gas and coal. And if this legislation were to become law, I see three major issues arising.

First, the 100% carbon-free mandate would be tremendously expensive for Minnesota consumers. The Center for American Experience estimates that it would cost an average of $3,888 in additional electricity costs every year, through 2050. With Minnesotans already facing high energy prices, we should be taking steps to lessen, not increase, this burden.

This legislation is also not a serious effort to be carbon-free if it doesn’t include nuclear. We must not remove any tools from our toolbox if we wish for Minnesota’s electricity to be from 100% carbon-free sources. Nuclear truly provides reliable, zero-carbon energy generation. And that is why I strongly believe that nuclear must be brought into the conversation on how to safeguard our state’s energy outlook.

And finally, the zero-carbon proposal would put our electric grid at serious risk of failure. Minnesota already faces an urgent energy crisis, so we should not be removing any of the reliable energy we currently have. I believe it is important to adopt more clean and renewable energy sources. However, we must never rely too heavily upon wind turbines, solar panels and battery storage facilities. This would only result in rolling blackouts like those experienced in North Carolina, Texas and California. 

Therefore, unless we want our energy future to be unpredictable and expensive, there is no place for a 100% carbon-free electricity mandate in Minnesota.

This week, Governor Walz released his proposed budget. This would be horribly expensive for Minnesotans and would expand the size of our state budget by more than 25%. This is unacceptable, as the state government is already thriving with a $17.6 billion surplus. Why then does the governor’s budget look to inevitably raise taxes? 

Hardworking Minnesotans continue to struggle with rising everyday costs, and they need immediate relief. This includes our seniors who would still not see the full elimination of the tax on Social Security income. The governor’s proposal fails to offer across-the-board relief to Minnesotans of all ages and across all walks of life.

I would be remiss to not highlight that today, we will hear the Democrats’ PRO Act on the Senate floor. This extremist legislation goes far beyond Roe and would allow for up-until-birth abortions, with no protection in place. I have heard from countless constituents to vote ‘NO’, and I can assure you that I strongly oppose this legislation. Senate Republicans are ready to stand up for life and serve as the voice of the unborn, and I will share further updates on this in my next update.

I want to hear from you, my constituents, on issues that are important to you. Please feel free to reach out to my office with any concerns or ideas you may have. As the session moves forward, I will keep your thoughts and concerns in mind as legislation comes before me. You can contact my office at or 651-296-5981.


Bruce Anderson