Senator Anderson, Senate Republicans pass insulin reform for all Minnesotans

(ST. PAUL, MN) – After more than twelve months of discussion, analysis, and debate, the Senate passed a strong insulin safety net bill with a unanimous vote. This program is designed to be available for all who need it and includes fulfillment of both urgent and ongoing needs for patients. 

Most importantly, this bill provides 30 days of emergency insulin to anyone regardless of income as long as they are Minnesota residents and in need of the medicine. All insulin in the Senate plan is provided by the insulin companies with affordable co-pays. A long-term component to the program helps patients afford their insulin with a 90-day supply for no more than a $25 co-pay.  

“All diabetics will be protected by this bill,” said Senator Bruce Anderson (R-Buffalo). “We are prioritizing people, not the manufacturers, and have developed a bill that will work. All Minnesotans in need of this life-saving medication will have peace of mind knowing they have access to the care they need.”

Senator Jensen’s bill prioritizes renewability, portability, and prompt implementation. A conference committee with house members is expected to begin meeting in the next few days.