Senate Democrats block full elimination of taxes on Social Security benefits

Watch Sen. Miller’s comments urging passage of the bill.

ST. PAUL, MN –  Today Senator Jeremy Miller (R- Winona) attempted to move his bill forward in the Senate that would fully eliminate the state income tax paid on Social Security benefits in Minnesota. The full repeal of the Social Security tax had bipartisan support last year as do bills for full repeal this year. 

“Minnesota is 1 of only 11 states that still taxes Social Security benefits. The state has a massive $18 billion surplus and there is no reason to delay this bill any further. The time is now to provide seniors across Minnesota with this much-deserved tax relief. This proposal passed the Senate with bipartisan support last year, and it has bipartisan support again this year,” Miller said. “The bill has been fully vetted and it’s time to get it done.”  

The motion from Miller failed on a 32-34 party-line vote, with Republicans voting in support and Democrats voting in opposition. Senate Democrats unanimously voted against moving this bill forward, despite having made promises on the campaign trail to repeal the tax.