Sen. Dan Hall: Remember Martin Luther King Jr’s principles and legacy

Every year on the third Monday in January we have a day dedicated to honoring Martin Luther King Jr, his accomplishments, and his legacy.

The late Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. dreamed of a day when people would be judged not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character; where America would live out the true meaning of its creed: that all men are created equal; where oppression would be replaced by freedom and justice; and where people would sit down together in brotherhood.

That lesson is often forgotten in America today, as politicians, celebrities and our leaders more often try to segment us than they try to bring us together. As your Senator, I can promise you that that is not my goal, that my mission and purpose is to ensure that every American and every one of my constituents is represented and treated equally when we make laws.  I’m here to help protect the rights of all I represent, and my mission is to improve your lives regardless of the differences we may have.

Today we should all highlight and celebrate the life and accomplishments of Martin Luther King Jr. Collectively we must reflect on his principles and his message and encourage others to do the same. Now more than ever, we should follow Dr. King’s example and improve our own standards and behavior so that we can fight to achieve what he pushed so hard for; nonviolent social change and equality.