Legislative Update from Senator Ruud

Greetings District 10!

The 2022 Legislative Session officially begins on Monday, January 31. The state’s projected $7.7 billion surplus will be one of the most discussed items—with record inflation I look forward to supporting tax cuts targeted at working Minnesotans, families, and seniors to help them afford their everyday life. This is a bonding year, meaning the Session’s focus will be on distributing bonding dollars throughout the State to pay for capital projects. These projects must be publicly owned and specifically designated for infrastructure.  

Good News: The Senate Building will once again be accessible for meeting with legislators—we would welcome a meeting with you. If you would like to meet, please contact my office for more information.

I am optimistic as we head into the 2022 Legislative Session. I’m looking forward to working with stakeholders statewide and representing my constituents on issues that matter most to them.

As new bills and updates happen, I will continue to keep you informed.

Have a great weekend and God bless. 

If you’re looking to hear more from the Capitol, please like me on Facebook.

As always please feel free to contact my office with any questions you might have. My office can be reached by phone at (651) 296-4913 or at sen.carrie.ruud@senate.mn.

Talk to you soon!
Carrie Ruud