Kreun Bill Funding Hwy 65 Safety Improvements Heard in Transportation Committee

Yesterday in the Transportation Committee, Senator Michael Kreun (R-Blaine) presented two pieces of legislation that fund the redesign, repair, and rebuild of Highway 65 in Blaine. SF-551 and SF-862 work in tandem to fully fund the project through a combination of state funding. 

“Highway 65 hosts 60,000 drivers per day, and it is incredibly important that we fund improvements to this corridor,” said Kreun. “This road has been a congestion and safety hazard for too long, and this bill’s funding will make the road less congested and safer for residents, visitors, and all commerce that comes through our portion of the state.”

These bills would provide funding to complete the planned upgrades to the intersections of Highway 65 and 99th Ave., 105th Ave., 109th Ave., and 117th Ave. The project would completely eliminate stop lights along this stretch of roadway.

“This is an urgent project for multiple reasons. This highway is a vital link between the twin cities urban core and north metro suburbs, but unfortunately in the last 5 years, there have been over 400 personal injury accidents on this stretch of road. Funding for this project will eliminate accidents, improve travel, and save lives,” said Blaine Mayor Tim Sanders, who testified on behalf of both bills.

Both SF-551 was laid over for possible inclusion in a future Transportation Committee omnibus bill, and SF-862 is currently pending in the Capital Investments Committee.