Koran: Religious freedom must be protected!

Dear Friends and neighbors,

This week in the dark of night – after midnight – Democrats deliberately launched an attack on the freedom of religious groups and faith-based schools.

Here is what happened: Senate Democrats on the Judiciary Committee voted down an amendment to the Human Rights Act that would have restored religious freedom protections that were deleted from law last year. In Late February, House Democrats rejected a similar measure. 

Democratic leaders are making it clear they believe their preferred political views should overrule religious freedoms.

Religious liberty has been a core American value since our nation’s founding. I strongly support adding strong religious protections back into our laws to uphold the separation of church and state. Our constitutional rights must be guarded against the radical agenda being pushed by Democrats in Saint Paul.

Please let me know if you have any other concerns on this important issue.

State and Local Government and Veterans Committee; Elections Committee Updates

Last week we stayed busy by hearing 31 bills in State and Local Government and Veterans Committee.  We covered topics from the misclassification of employees, open meeting law modification, the MN Energy Infrastructure Permitting Act establishment, and a bill related to technical and policy changes to certain public employee labor relations provisions – and that’s just to name a few!

While there was technically only one bill that was covered in Elections Committee (SF 4729), it covered about 13 bills that had already passed through the committee.  Those bills included topics such as allocating incarcerated people to their last known address when creating voting districts following the census, all political funds must be reported to the Campaign Finance Board, special elections for school board elections, added language to the definition of “Deep Fake” and much more!  This bill will move to the Senate Judiciary Committee next and is slated to be heard on Wednesday, March 27 at 12:30pm.  You can stay up to date with the Judiciary Committee schedule by following it here.

