Kiffmeyer: 2022 legislative session kicks off

ST. PAUL, MN — Monday, Jan. 31, marked the start of the 2022 legislative session, said Senator Mary Kiffmeyer (R- Big Lake).

“I am glad to be back at the Capitol in person and look forward to addressing a variety of topics important to my communities of Senate District 30 and all of Minnesota,” Kiffmeyer said. “I will continue to serve as chair on the Senate State Government Finance and Policy and Elections Committee, and as vice chair of the Senate Restricting Committee. And I will also serve as a member of the Senate Committees on Finance, Judiciary and Public Safety Finance and Policy, and Transportation Finance and Policy.”

Senate Republicans will focus this session on affording everyday life, reducing crime, and empowering parents. 

“We are all aware of the rising inflation rates, spike in crime in our communities, and effect the COVID-19 pandemic has had on students,” Kiffmeyer said. “We need to get Minnesota back on the right track, and these three topics are key in achieving just that.”

Helping people afford their lives:

The state’s projected $7.7 billion (and possibly more) surplus will be one of the most discussed items in St. Paul. Followingthestubborn and record inflation from runaway federal spending, Senate Republicans are advancing a series of tax cuts targeted at working Minnesotans, families, and seniors to help them afford their everyday life- giving it back to those who generated the surplus. 

In the last five years, Republicans have secured billions in tax cuts, including exempting most seniors from taxes on social security and the first income rate tax cuts in 20 years. 

“I will continue to work this session to provide additional tax relief that offers long-term support not just one time small “Walz” checks,” Kiffmeyer said. “It’s crucial to get government spending back under control and keep more hard-earned money in the pockets of Minnesotans. Similarly, eliminating Minnesota’s Social Security income tax for our seniors is long overdue and another topic to be addressed.”

Safe communities and law enforcement support:

Another priority this year will be investments in public safety and initiatives to drive down crime. The Senate Republican plan is to find solutions to increase Minnesota’s police presence. Therefore, they will work on policies that provide additional tools and resources to fight crime and recruit and retain police officers. 

Senate Republicans will also continue to be tough on crime, and address failed progressive policies that reduce or eliminate bail. They will introduce legislation increasing penalties for repeat offenders, carjackers, and crimes involving dangerous weapons.

“The work of our law enforcement officers is critical to maintaining law and order and addressing our state’s rise in crime,” Kiffmeyer said. “Keeping the public safe from crime must be a universal and everyday priority. I am so grateful to those who put their lives on the line to protect ours.”

Empowering parents as education partners:

Finally, the closure of schools due to COVID has been an eye-opening experience for parents across the state. Across the nation, many parents have raised concerns about their kids’ education coming at the cost of political activism. To that end, Republicans propose increasing transparency and accountability in school to the parents, and empowering parents to be active partners in their child’s education. 

“Parents have ultimate responsibility and play a central role in their child’s education, and we must strengthen this,” Kiffmeyer said. “Additionally, distance learning has greatly affected our children’s education, and we must work to keep kids and teachers safely in the classroom.”