Gazelka Statement on Global Budget Targets

ST. PAUL, MN –  Majority Leader Paul Gazelka (R- East Gull Lake) released the following statement in response to the global budget targets agreed to by Gazelka, Speaker Hortman, and Governor Walz: 

“In January, we set out our Minnesota Priorities: Balance the budget without raising taxes, recover from COVID, and support Minnesota families. Today, we have budget targets that don’t raise any taxes. In fact, we have full PPP and full Unemployment Insurance conformity for tax relief for employers and employers.  We have agreed to put most of the federal funds under the control of the legislature to help recover from COVID. And finally, we have broadband, transportation, education, and healthcare funding to support Minnesota families across the state at school, work, and recreation. 

“I remain committed to not passing anything that is anti-police or makes the job of law enforcement more difficult. Since the emergency is over, the House and Governor Walz should agree to the veto-proof, bipartisan eviction moratorium off-ramp, and lifting COVID fines on businesses who have struggled enough.”