Draheim: Legislative update

We are moving swiftly along in the 2022 Legislative Session, and I am working hard to get Minnesotans back on the right track. My colleagues and I have called for more transparency in how your tax dollars are being spent, introduced legislation to recruit and retain law enforcement that work diligently to keep our communities safe, and introduced legislation helping bring parents into the classroom and put the needs of kids first in education decisions.

Minnesota received billions of dollars from the federal government to distribute COVID relief to the people who needed it most. The money is supposed to help people, help kids, and help small businesses that have faced unforeseen challenges. Sadly, we are seeing that not all funds were used as they were intended. I have requested the Office of the Legislative Auditor to audit the RentHelpMN rental assistance program. After two hearings in the Senate Housing Committee, Commissioner Jennifer Ho left the committee with more questions than answers and provided blatant discrepancies in the data that need to be investigated. We must demand accountability and transparency of taxpayers’ money. At a time of out-of-control inflation, we need to ensure every dollar is going to its intended use, and if not, we need to give it back to you.

It is no surprise that people aren’t eagerly awaiting to join law enforcement. Months after months of screaming “Defund the Police” and other anti-police rhetoric from Democrat leaders across Minnesota has hurt the recruitment and retention of our police force. My colleagues and I have rolled out the C.O.P.S Program, which stands for “Creating Opportunities in Public Safety.” The proposals focus on recruitment to address the peace officer shortage affecting the entire state. The six different bills help people get their degree in law enforcement, provide opportunities for nontraditional entrants into policing, fund a marketing campaign, and continuing education to highlight the honorable profession and long-term benefits of a career in law enforcement. This is just one piece of the comprehensive plan to create safer communities for all Minnesotans.

Our children deserve a quality education to have the tools for a successful future regardless of their race, income, or zip code. Every parent should have the right to decide the best educational options for their children. Research shows reading scores have been down 6.3% since the start of the pandemic. With years of learning loss from COVID-19 restrictions and distance learning, many families have to pay for private tutors. Parents and students need more flexibility to enhance their public-school education or look to alternative school choices.

As the 2022 legislative session continues to progress, I am committed to holding the line on wasteful spending and keeping more money in your pockets, creating opportunities for safe communities, and empowering parents with resources to guide their children’s education, no matter where they live or go to school. It is my honor to serve you!