Coleman: Antisemitic activist has no place on MDE social studies working group

Senator Julia Coleman (R- Waconia) released the following statement on the removal of Asma Nizami from the Minnesota Department of Education Social Studies Standards working group:

“The inclusion of Holocaust studies in our state’s social studies standards is an important step to ensuring the world never forgets the systematic murders of more than 6 million Jews during the Holocaust. As the voices of the survivors of the Holocaust are lost to old age, the mantle of telling their story falls to future generations so the world never experiences such a horrifying slaughter of innocent civilians ever again.

“For someone who engages in antisemitic and anti-Israel activism to have been included in this task force is completely failing in the purpose of the working group and under no circumstances should Asma Nizami be included in the future work of the working group.

Relevant documentation:

Antisemitic tweets from Asma Nizami  (first posted by @SethKaplan)

Asma Nizami tweet showing membership changed

CAIR calling for Asma Nizami to be restored to the committee