Senator Howe Responds to Gov. Walz’s Clean Cars Minnesota Proposal

Senator Jeff Howe (R-Rockville) released the following statement in response to Governor Walz’s unilateral move to adopt California’s fuel-efficiency laws in Minnesota:

“Governor Walz’s new “Clean Cars Minnesota” proposal is a shortsighted attempt to appease environmental activists from the metro that fails to take into account the negative effect it will have on Greater Minnesota,” said Senator Jeff Howe. “The Governor’s initiative attacks residents in my district and will hurt businesses across central Minnesota. In his effort to conform with California, Walz forgets the realities of current zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs), which studies have shown still produce a significant carbon footprint, without factoring in the added carbon cost to produce their batteries. On top of that, the Governor fails to take into account that in states that have adopted similar standards the program often results in taxpayer subsidy for new ZEVs for the rich. We all want to preserve the environment, but to be successful we must work with businesses and consumers not spurn them.”