Senator Anderson legislative update June 21: Agriculture and Rural Development

Hello Neighbors and friends,

As I mentioned last week, I would like to run through each budget bill with you to highlight some of the most notable things we accomplished this year. Today, I will share a few initiatives we passed in the Agriculture, Rural Development and Housing budget to support our farmers and agriculture communities.

Dairy Assistance, Investment and Relief Initiative (DAIRI)

To alleviate the negative financial burden that Minnesota dairy farmers are experiencing as a result of low milk prices, the Department of Agriculture received $5 million in one-time funding to provide them with additional support. The dip in milk prices is forcing small dairy farms around the country to close. We appreciate all they do to provide for our state and this fund will get them the relief they need to make it through the hard times. For more information on qualification and to submit a request, visit:

Farmer mental health

Farmers are facing mounting pressure as they balance the unknowns that accompany the difficult economic climate. Farmers around the state are losing money and as operating costs continue to increase, they face the question of “what next”? For many, farming is a way of life, and a tradition that has been passed down for generations. The uncertainty is taking a toll on the mental health of many, resulting in an alarming growth in suicide statistics. This year, we funded an additional rural mental health specialist to provide one-on-one counseling to farmers. Farmers and their families will be offered counseling and encouragement, so they don’t face their burdens alone. You can visit this website for more information:

Disaster relief fund

The terrible storms this year left many farmers with collapsed barns. Heavy snow, sleet, and ice compounded and resulted in severe damage. This session, we expanded the current disaster contingency loan to improve the safety net for farmers. Previously, it only covered damage by other severe weather such as high winds and flooding, but because of the harsh winter, and all the farmers (especially dairy farmers) impacted, it became clear that the safety net should expand. Every day that farms are not able to produce, they lose money, so the bill is retroactive to January 1st to cover everyone impacted this year. Eligibility details and lender information can be found here:

Rural broadband

Rural communities need fast and efficient access to online education, resources, and other important services. We invested $40 million to expand rural broadband this year to continue the effort to provide rural areas the same opportunities as those in more metro areas. You can visit the Minnesota Rural Broadband Coalition’s website for more details on the expansion:

We already have more ideas for next session and we always have our farmers in mind while we are working at the Capitol. We rely on them and we are thankful for all the work they do for our state. Please reach out with any additional questions or concerns.

Next week, we will look at the highlights in the Commerce, Jobs, and Energy budget. I hope you enjoy your weekend!

If you have any questions about these issues, please feel free to contact me any time. My phone number is 651-296-5981, and my email is