Senator Anderson Legislative Update

Friends and Neighbors,

We released our agenda for the 2020 session this week. We are focused on the priorities you have shared, and we will work to lower taxes, improve infrastructure, support our veterans, grow our workforce, and make health care more affordable. There is a lot to accomplish but given what we were able to achieve last session, I am confident we will continue to represent Minnesotans well this year. You can read more about Vision 2020 here.

To wrap up our overview of last session, here is a brief highlight of the work we did on taxes and transportation.

We reduced the middle-class income tax for the first time in almost 20 years. The social security income tax was cut significantly as well, and we have committed to take bites out of it until it is eliminated. It is important that we do everything we can to make sure families can thrive, small businesses can grow, and seniors can afford to stay in Minnesota with their loved ones. Improving government efficiency will enable you to keep more money in your wallet and that is a top priority for the upcoming session.

We stopped a 20-cent gas tax that was proposed by Governor Walz last year. We still managed to repair and improve thousands of miles of roads and bridges across the state. Responsible government spending is essential to investments in infrastructure. As we require more government efficiency, we will be able to provide even better service without increasing your taxes.

Please contact me with your ideas for next session. I am committed to representing our communities at the Capitol, and your feedback is essential. Thank you for the opportunity to serve our district another year!
