Sen. Howe responds to ongoing turmoil and leadership crisis at Department of Human Services

Senator Jeff Howe (R-Rockville) issued the following statement regarding former Department of Human Services (DHS) Commissioner Tony Lourey’s resignation and an exodus of other top leaders at the agency.

“The abrupt, unexplained departure of Commissioner Lourey and Chief of Staff Weeks at the Department of Human Services last week with no explanation is a worrisome development from our state’s biggest agency. Compounding this is the continual and ongoing concerns over fraud, waste, and abuse in the department. Couple these concerns with a lack of leadership and a department resistant to change, and you have a situation ripe for disaster. Minnesota taxpayers deserve better, they deserve an administration that remains in control and one that ensures their government is working its best for them.”

“Last week, Deputy Commissioners Chuck Johnson and Claire Wilson resigned unexpectedly without explanation from DHS, but have rescinded their resignations since Lourey and Weeks’ exit. This is unacceptable and shows other Commissioners that they are not in control of their agencies and instills doubt that this administration is serious about the reform that is needed in all state government agencies.” 

“Adding to this debacle is the ongoing issues regarding Inspector General Ham, who has been on investigative leave regarding child care assistance fraud for four months and has collected over $42,000 in wages during that time. When Governor Walz was asked about the investigation last week whether the Governor response had stated the investigation had recently begun when in reality it had never even started.”

“Governor Walz must address the ongoing turmoil within the Department of Human Services and must provide Minnesotans the answers and transparency that they deserve. Until that is accomplished, residents and the legislature will be left questioning whether this department can accomplish its duties and if this administration is capable to lead.”