Rosen: Senate Republicans fund roads and bridges without gas tax increase or mileage tax

Senate Republicans fund roads and bridges without gas tax increase or mileage tax
By: Senator Julie Rosen

We are into the home stretch of the 2021 legislative session, which means budget negotiations are picking up speed. Senate Republicans have already started laying out our Minnesota priorities, many of which will have passed off the Senate floor by the time you read this.

Funding for roads and bridges

Republicans are again proving that you can invest billions into the state’s transportation infrastructure without a gas tax, mileage tax, sales tax, or license tab fee increase. 

Our transportation budget provides $3.03 billion for state road construction, development, and maintenance; $2.25 billion for County and Municipal State Aid Roads; and $334 million for Corridors of Commerce. The bill also provides $60 million for local and small bridges and $18.5 million for the Local Road Improvement Program. The bill also provides unprecedented levels of new, ongoing funding for small city and township roads.

Notably, I am thrilled the bill includes $3 million for street and utility construction in the city of Sherburn.

Transforming education in Minnesota

The Republican education budget provides record levels of funding for schools, from both federal and state resources. School funding is an issue I hear about frequently, and I am excited that our budget guarantees that schools will have the resources they need to deliver a great education.

Funding is not the only important issue, however. Our bill also focuses on innovative ideas with a proven track record of successfully improving student outcomes in other states, like the LETRS teacher training program. LETRS has become the consensus approach to training educators on how to properly teach reading to young students, particularly students with dyslexia.

The bill also empowers parents and students by creating Education Savings Accounts. If a parent chooses to withdraw their child from public school, the state would deposit that child’s share of state education assistance into a restricted, government-authorized savings account the parent could use for tuition and fees at a different school or several other education expenses.

Protecting public safety  

Our Public Safety bill closes the “intoxication loophole” that has been in the news a lot recently. You likely heard about the Minnesota Supreme Court ruling that overturned a sexual assault conviction because the victim was voluntarily inebriated. Senate Republicans have long focused on creating stronger laws to combat sexual assault and to bring awareness to victims of sexual assault. 

Our bill increases penalties on child pornography, sex trafficking and solicitation of children, and child torture. We also add harsher penalties against individuals selling fentanyl, the harmful, deadly drug that has led to a growing addiction and criminal crisis in Minnesota.

Finally, the bill includes new funding for important programs like domestic abuse shelters, crime victim services, emergency communications and 911 services.

Contact me

If you have any questions about any of these issues, please feel free to contact me any time at or 651-296-6996. It is a privilege to serve as your Senator!