Senator Kiffmeyer’s Legislative Update

Friends and Neighbors, It has been another 30 days since Governor Walz extended his emergency powers and once again the legislature was called back into session this Friday. Since we do not have the votes…

Senator Kiffmeyer Legislative Update

Friends and Neighbors,    During the interim, there is still plenty happening at the Capitol, though mostly by zoom.  I am part of multiple task forces and commissions that meet during the interim to study…

Sen. Newman: A glimpse into an Orwellian future

Friends and neighbors, This article is both distressing and frustrating: In Washington D.C., a committee reporting to the mayor has a list of historical monuments, schools, parks, buildings, and more that they say need…

Senator Kiffmeyer’s Legislative Update

Friends and neighbors,  A couple weeks ago, Governor Walz renewed his emergency powers triggering a requirement in state law to call a special session. We voted to end his powers and looked for ways to…