Mark Dayton Lost My Trust When He…

1. Ruined healthcare by adopting the federal Obamacare failure

MNsure’s track record is abysmal: 1,600 Minnesotans were put at risk of identity theft when their Social Security numbers were leaked, people with chronic conditions like cancer and diabetes lost their long-time doctors, and the average Minnesotan saw premiums increase by 47%. Even after MNsure handed out $26,000 in bonuses to its executives, Dayton did nothing to solve the healthcare issues that affect everyday Minnesotans.

2. Fought to unionize daycare providers against their will

Mark Dayton sided with union special interests against hardworking Minnesotans – ignoring the needs of young working families who will be affected by higher daycare costs and putting at risk the livelihoods of thousands of women childcare providers.

3. Approved an extravagant $90 million office building for politicians

When politicians voted to build themselves new offices in the form of a $90 million building, the public was outraged. Despite the unmistakable opposition to this project, Mark Dayton called the wasteful spending “necessary.” Perhaps it’s because the Dayton administration’s own office space in the Capitol is also set to increase by 60%!

4. Encouraged parents to illegally buy marijuana off the street

Moms and Dads of severely sick children were shocked when Mark Dayton told them to buy pot illegally on the street to treat their kids. The parents held an extremely emotional press conference and accused the governor of using them for political cover instead of coming up with a thoughtful solution to their problem.

5. Pushed for pay raises for politicians and himself

When lawmakers voted to give themselves a 35% pay increase last year, Dayton also stood to benefit with an $8,000 increase himself, and hefty pay raises for other officials in his administration. Rather than standing up against these self-serving policies, he agreed with politicians, and told the Star Tribune he wanted pay to be raised even further.

6. Forced the longest government shutdown in Minnesota history

During a public debate during his first campaign for governor, Dayton promised he wouldn’t shut down the government if he couldn’t get his way on budget negotiations. Just a few months later the governor broke his promise when he refused to compromise and forced the longest government shutdown in Minnesota history. Then he ultimately agreed to an earlier budget proposal, proving that his government shutdown was just an unnecessary political stunt.

7. Deceived homeowners with election-year property tax gimmicks

Despite Mark Dayton’s promises to lower property taxes, a new non-partisan report confirms that they are accelerating rapidly, with residential homesteads expecting a 3.8% statewide increase in 2015. To disguise these increases temporarily, the governor used a one-year gimmick to artificially lower burdens on some Minnesotans in 2014, while long-term rates on all Minnesotans continue to go up.