Sen. Paul Anderson supports Minnesota Insulin Patient Assistance Program

Plan allows eligible Minnesotans to receive free insulin from manufacturers via their doctor

Senator Paul Anderson (R-Plymouth) voiced support for the Minnesota Insulin Patient Assistance Program after his colleagues on the Senate Health and Human Services Committee held a hearing on the proposal. The informational hearing allowed for testimony from healthcare professionals, diabetes advocates, and questions from Senators as they learn more about the proposal. Senator Anderson, who joined a bipartisan insulin working group with Senators from both sides of aisle over the summer, applauded the proposal for strengthening the doctor-patient relationship by requiring drug manufacturers to deliver free insulin to doctors on behalf of their patients.

“Diabetic Minnesotans across our state consistently face barriers in obtaining affordable insulin. It is a crisis for far too many people,” said Senator Anderson. “This program would connect patients in-need with their doctor, ultimately avoiding further insulin emergencies in the future. I will continue to work on this issue with my legislative colleagues and Governor Walz as we aim to provide access to affordable insulin for every Minnesotan who needs it.”

The Minnesota Insulin Patient Assistance Program, a new plan to provide access to insulin for Minnesotans unable to afford the high cost of this life-saving medicine, requires insulin drug manufacturers to provide insulin to Minnesota doctors on behalf of their eligible patients. To qualify, Minnesotans with diabetes must have a family income less than 400% of the federal poverty level and not be covered by another state or federal healthcare program such as Medicare, Medicaid, or MinnesotaCare.

A key provision in the plan requires patients to work through their doctor’s office to acquire free insulin from the manufacturers, fostering stronger doctor-patient relationships that will improve care. Doctors will use the patient eligibility statement to order a 120-day supply of insulin from the preferred manufacturer. Patients remain eligible for the program for one year and can reorder insulin during that time. The legislation contains a sunset, forcing the Minnesota legislature to continue working on the broader challenge of making all prescription drugs more affordable.

“While this proposal represents good progress on addressing the insulin crisis, I will continue to collaborate with stakeholders and legislators from all sides as we aim to lower the cost of all prescription medications in Minnesota,” added Senator Anderson.

Additionally, Senator Anderson and the state legislature passed several measures to lower the costs of insulin and all prescription drugs during the 2019 session:

  • Emergency refills – The Health and Human Services (HHS) comprehensive budget bill required pharmacies to provide emergency access to insulin and other life-saving drugs even if a prescription runs out. Pharmacists can now fill up to a 30-day supply of insulin for patients even if their prescription is not current.
  • Transparency in insulin pricing – The HHS budget bill required Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs) to communicate regularly with all pharmacies the cost for prescription drugs including any rebates or discounts available from a drug manufacturer.
  • Lower prices for consumers – The HHS budget bill required health plans to lower the price so it does not exceed the net price of the prescription drug, meaning the health plans cannot make a profit on the sale of insulin.
  • Reinsurance – Passing an extension of the reinsurance policy stabilized the individual and small group insurance market and allowed major insurance plans, such as Blue Cross Blue Shield, UCare, Medica, and Health Partners to offer insulin at prices Minnesota families can afford.