Senator Eichorn supports individuals suffering from mental illnesses trying re-enter the workforce

Senator Justin Eichorn (R-Grand Rapids) presented legislation today that supports people suffering from mental health issues. The bill, S.F. 970, identifies current barriers in the workforce, expands Individual Placement and Support (IPS) Employment Programs, and creates new community support programs to help struggling Minnesotans as they attempt to obtain employment.

“Work provides an amazing amount of structure and a person’s life giving them a reason to get up in the morning, reducing their isolation, and giving them financial support that can reduce anxiety and even pull them out poverty,” said Senator Eichorn.

People living with mental illnesses who are employed have higher self-esteem, improved quality of life, and reduced symptoms. Unfortunately, in Minnesota, individuals suffering from mental illnesses have one of the highest rates of unemployment amongst any qualifying disability groups. The employment rate for those with mental health issues is as high as 86% even though at least 60% have indicated they would like to work.

The Individual Placement and Support Employment Programs that are expanded with this legislation are proven to work. Studies have shown that these programs are three times more likely to help find Minnesotans employment than other vocational programs. Unfortunately, 39 counties across the state have no access to IPS services, and of the remaining counties, many have minimal access.

“Passing this legislation is a win-win for residents and the state,” continued Senator Eichorn. “Not only are we giving people the toolset and support they need to get back on their feet, but in the process, we’re also creating an opportunity for the state to focus resources elsewhere.”