Republican response to Supreme Court decision in the King v. Burwell healthcare case

healthcareSenate Republican Leader David Hann (Eden Prairie) released the following statement in response to the Supreme Court’s decision in the King v. Burwell healthcare case:
“Today’s ruling makes it clear Minnesota never should have wasted nearly $250 million taxpayer dollars building the defective MNsure system we have now. Democrats’ promises about hassle-free enrollment, affordable insurance, and better healthcare have been continually broken since the rollout of their state exchange.
“The reality is Minnesotans are being hurt by MNsure daily. It has done nothing to curb healthcare costs, and insurers are predicting premiums will increase by 11-74% next year alone. Audits have shown widespread mismanagement of the exchange, and consumers report continuing enrollment headaches, long delays to receive care, and fewer available health insurance options. Even Governor Dayton, who championed the exchange from day one, has acknowledged its rollout as the “biggest disappointment” of his first term. But despite years of failure, Democrats have continued to defend Obamacare and block common sense reforms to MNsure.”

